Vibrational Astrology Leadership Program
Starting January 2023 and ending March 2025
Instructor: David Cochrane
Application for Leadership Program
Thank you for your interest in the VA Leadership Program. This is an informal application. I want to understand how this program fits into your current situation and your goals. You can enter your responses below and email me at david@AstrologyDC.com with the file as an attachment. I will email you back within about one day to confirm that I received your application.
Everything in this application is 100% confidential! I (David Cochrane) devised this application form by myself and nobody else has access to my email account. Feel free to write freely. If there are things you wish to share that you prefer to not have in writing, we can arrange a phone call or zoom meeting.
1. Your name, email address, and state or country you live in. I am interested in the State or country to have an idea of what time zone you are in.
2. Two new programs will begin in January 2023. Choose the dates you prefer or state that you have no preference if either one is OK for you:
Program 1. Wednesday evenings 7 - 9 PM Eastern Time depending on preference of students.
Program 2: Mondays 12 noon - 2 PM Eastern Time.
If neither of these times fits into your schedule, provide times that do work for you and we will see if there is enough interest to start an additional program at a time that fits into your schedule. Please state your preference.
Information about this Leadership Program is at https://www.astrologydc.com/school
Please carefully (do not skim) read this document before continuing.
3. As noted in this document, this is a Leadership Program designed only for students who have the potential to function at a high professional level in Vibrational Astrology. Do you feel that you have the aptitude, time, motivation and commitment to do this? (A simple “Yes” or “No” response is sufficient, but you can elaborate if you wish to.)
4. Attendance requirements are strict. Do you have any know of any schedule conflicts from January, 2022 to the VA Conference in March 2025 at this time? Note that there are classes once a week except that there are no classes in December and there is only the VA Conference in the first week of March, 2024 and no weekly classes in March.
5. Payment will be made by credit card or PayPal payment of $300 on the first of each month starting in January, 2023. The total for 20 months of classes at $300/month = $6,000 over about 2 years. If the automatic payment on the first of the month fails, you will not be able to access the homework assignments online page and if payment is not completed within 7 days you may fail that course. At this point in time do you feel that you will be able to manage this financial obligation? (A Yes or No response is sufficient).
6. There will be a maximum of 10 students in the program at the outset. This is a very challenging program and not everyone may graduate. We will be like a team that works together and we share an adventure together. Do you feel comfortable being part of this team and feel ready to be supportive and friendly to all other students and the instructor regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual preference? (A Yes or No response is sufficient).
7. In addition to a 2 hour class each week, there are about 2 hours of tutorial videos and 2 hours of homework for a total of about 6 hours needed per week when there are classes. Given your situation in life, are you able to devote this required time? (A Yes or No answer is sufficient).
8. Have you taken classes or received training or tutoring in Vibrational Astrology or other kinds of astrology? Are you currently enrolled in any other astrology educational programs? If yes, what are they?
9. Of the areas of consulting, teaching, writing or other business pursuits, please describe the areas that you are most interested in and how they fit into your situation in life, and what you imagine possible outcomes can be. Describe any related training or education in other fields that affect these plans. I want to know what your goals and interests are. If you just want to learn VA for the sake of understanding it, that is OK too. Please be frank and honest.
10. Is there anything that you are most excited about with this Leadership Program? Are there things that are not ideal for you or you wish were different about the program, but you will accept it because life does not always deliver to us precisely what we can dream up as the perfect situation? You can be blunt. It won’t hurt my feelings or negatively impact your acceptance into the program if there are things that are less than ideal for you. My criteria are simply whether you have the aptitude and time to excel. Most likely I will have to decline the applications of some excellent applicants because of the limited number of students that will be in the program.
11. Will attending the 2024 and 2025 VA Conferences present a problem for you assuming that there isn’t a resurgence of the pandemic or an unanticipated circumstance that prevents it?
12. Is there anything else related to your participation in this program that is not mentioned above?
13. Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how the Leadership program can be improved based on the information that you have received so far? This will not affect whether you are accepted because it is not directly related to your competency, ability and motivation to excel. You can be as detailed as you like; writing too much is better than writing too little.