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Colorful Bubbles

Wednesday Team
VA Leadership Program

Course 1: Homework, Recordings and Class Notes

Week starting:

Jan 11: How Astrology Works, Archetypes and Energy Processes  (Week 1)
Recording of Class:

Homework videos:
How Astrology Works, A New Theoretical Framework 1:02:08 What is Vibrational Astrology? 28:34 Origins of Vibrational Astrology, Part 1 35:29 Origins of Vibrational Astrology, Part 2 17:48 Interpreting Planets: the Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes 15:44 What are Jungian Archetypes 30:28 Archetypes in Astrology: Clear and Simple 36:28 The Astrology of Carl Jung 32:39

Minor note: some videos may state that they are a lesson number in an introductory course but I am using the videos in a different order so this number does not apply to this course.

Homework: Email me a paragraph or two (not more) OR make a 10-minute video (7 minutes to 15 minutes only) on something you notice in your birth chart using an idea (or ideas) from one or more of these videos. You can present a way of thinking about what the astrology chart tells you or does not tell you, a perspective on it in a broader philosophical sense and/or specific interpretations. If you make a video: you can get a free zoom account if you don’t have one, open a zoom meeting and record just you in the meeting. If you don’t have a youtube channel, you can make one for free and upload to your youtube channel and leave the setting to Unlisted. Email me a link to the video.

Jan 18: Meaning of the Planets (Week 2)
Recording of Class:

Homework Videos:  How Planets are Interpreted in VA, and the Sun in VA 32:22 Sun continued 18:27 The Moon 39:41 Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets in Vibrational Astrology 41:57 Interpretation of Aspects to the Sun and Moon 13:46 Interpretation of Aspects of Planets to Mercury 9:29 Aspects of outer planets to Venus and Mars 17:42 Interpretation of Aspects Between the Outer Planets Jupiter to Pluto 17:16 Saturn is Not Malefic 42:09

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on any questions, observations, insights or thoughts that you have about what we learned this week.

Jan 25: Vibrational Charts  (Week 3)
Recording of Class:

Homework Videos: What a Harmonic Chart is and How to Interpret it 37:23 What a Harmonic Chart Is and How to Interpret it, Part 2 22:37 What a Harmonic Chart Is and How to Interpret it, Part 3 25:08 Harmonic Charts, Part 4: Understanding Orbs and How Aspects Change With Greater Magnification 29:19 Harmonic Charts, Part 5: 5, 7, and 9, Octave Harmonics and Second Order Harmonics 16:25 Harmonic Charts, Part 6: Interpreting Octaves of a Vibration 34:12 Harmonic Charts, Part 7: Octaves, Orbs and Midpoints 28:01 Sirius Astrology Software: Introduction to Harmonic Astrology       VA Study Tips by Wednesday Group student Michael Spremulli

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on observations of large planetary configurations in one or more vibrational charts for yourself or other people. You do NOT need to interpret them because we have not yet gotten into the meanings of the vibrations in detail yet.


Feb 1: Meanings of Vibrations  (Week 4)
Recording of Class:

Homework Videos: Meanings of Harmonics 1 to 8 27:00 Meanings of Harmonics 9 to 16 17:01 Meanings of Harmonics 17 to 24 15:31 Meanings of Harmonics 25 to 32 14:38

Reference book for meanings of first 32 Harmonics:

You do NOT need to read this book now; it is a good reference book to refer to.

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on your interpretation of planetary configurations in one or more of your vibrational charts or vibrational charts of other people. Optional: You can make this a tutorial video and upload it to a youtube channel as a tutorial on interpreting planetary configurations in particular vibrations.

Feb 8: Midpoint Structures, Isotraps, and Arabic Parts  (Week 5)
Recording of Class:

Homework Videos: The Power of Exact Direct Midpoint Structures 18:03 Interpreting Midpoints Structures with Vibrational Astrology 18:41 Midpoint Structures: Their Use in Cosmobiology and Vibrational Astrology 17:34 Isotraps: What they are and How to Interpret them 37:42 Arabic Parts: A Marriage of Hellenistic and Harmonic Astrology 44:39 The Harmonic Basis of Arabic Parts, Composite Charts, and Critical Degrees 14:14 Sacred Geometry of Arabic Parts in Astrology 43:14 Arabic Parts: The Importance of Twin Parts in Interpretation 19:13

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on midpoint structures and/or isotraps in your chart or someone else's chart that you think explain something about a personality trait or regular behavior of the person. Note that like other homework assignments, this can also be a tutorial video that you upload to a youtube channel.


Feb 15: Planetary Configurations  (Week 6)
Link to Recording of Class:     
Link to Class Notes and Chat:  Class Notes and Chat

Homework Videos: VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 1 30:28 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 1 Addendum 25:20 VA Fundamentals in Detail. Part 2 29:47 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 3 27:24 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 4 39:05 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 5 43:56 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 6 35:41 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 7 36:14 VA Fundamentals in Detail, Part 8 29:18

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on a Super Symmetry pattern (midpoint configuration) in one or more of your natal or vibrational charts for yourself or someone else.


Feb 22: Vibrational Astrology is an Evidence-Based Practice  (Week 7)

Link to Recording of Class:
Link to Class Notes and Chat:  Class Notes and Chat

Homework Videos: Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 1 35:17 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 2 38:44 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 3 17:43 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 4 29:39 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 5 18:44 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 6 36:01 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 7 31:11 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 8 26:09 Evidence-Based Practice versus Science, Part 9 36:44

Homework: Write about 2 paragraphs or make a 10-minute video on your thoughts about the nature of what happens when you give an astrological analysis and how the techniques for chart interpretation can be improved. Please express your own thoughts. This assignment is not graded and different points of view are welcome.

No class March 1 and March 8
Optional: Attend VA Conference March 2 – 5 (Thursday for David’s past and future students only)



March 15: Review. Submit Questions and Topics to Review Before Class.
Last class of course, no homework.

Link to Recording of Class:
Link to Class Notes and Chat: Class Notes and Chat


All materials copyright 2023 David Cochrane
For use by registered students only.

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