Videos by Santino Mancuso (aka David Cochrane)
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The first button, "Basics: 20 Lessons & Popular Videos", shows videos you can watch. Become a Platinum Member to access all videos.
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Planets, Signs, Houses
Techniques, Methods, Applications
and Perspectives
Professional Groups
Mundane, Financial, Political
Theory and Research
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Basics: 20 Lessons & Popular Videos |
1. 20 Free Astrology Lessons |
1. 37 Vibration |
1. A New Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
1. A New View of Zodiac Signs |
1. Astrology Research: How to Do It |
1. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 1 of a 2-Part Series |
1. Astronomical Foundations of the Birth Chart |
1. Athletic Ability, Part 1: AstroSignature Explained |
1. Basis of Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry |
1. Basis of the Weekly Vibrational Astrology Forecast |
1. Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols |
1. Evolutionary Astrology and Science |
1. Exploratory Research: An Introduction |
1. Forecast for a Client, Part 1: August 2023 Update |
1. Forecasting with Primary Directions |
1. History of Astrology from Early Beginnings to Today |
1. How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices |
1. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 1 |
1. Introduction to Relocational astrology |
1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology |
1. Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams Synastry |
1. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 1 |
1. Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressions |
1. Planets: Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes |
1. Precession of the Equinoxes Clearly Illustrated |
1. Rock Musicians: New Insights in 2020 |
1. Strong Scientific Support for Astrology |
1. The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation |
1. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 1 |
1. Vibrational Astrology Compared to Other Systems |
1. What is Vibrational Astrology? |
1. Whole Sign, Quadrant & Equal: 3 Different Models |
2. 41 Vibration |
2. Astrological Indicators of Extraversion |
2. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 2 of a 2-Part Series |
2. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 1 |
2. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 |
2. Athletic Ability, Part 2: Wayne Gretzky |
2. Bija Corrected Secondary Progressions |
2. Birth Charts of Rock 'n Roll Musicians: Introduction |
2. Christian Theology and Quadrant Houses |
2. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 1 |
2. Exploratory Research vs. Hypothesis Tests |
2. Fact Check about the Moon's Mean Node |
2. Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles |
2. Fixed Stars |
2. Forecast for October 9, 2020 |
2. Forecast for a Client, Part 2: August 2023 Update |
2. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
2. How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac |
2. How to Calculate Primary Directions |
2. How to Pick a Place |
2. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 2 |
2. Intro to interpretation |
2. Introduction to Harmonic Astrology |
2. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 2 |
2. Meaning of Planets, Part 1: the Sun |
2. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius (Updated) |
2. The Astrology of Carl Jung |
2. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1 |
2. The Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
2. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 2 |
2. USA 2016 Presidential Primaries Prediction |
2. Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle |
3. 43 Vibration, Part 1 |
3. Are Whole Sign Houses the Oldest House System? |
3. Aretha Franklin |
3. Astrological Forecasting: Ancient and Modern |
3. Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings |
3. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 2 |
3. Astrology, Chaos Theory and Fractals |
3. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 |
3. Athletic Ability, Part 3: Michael Jordan |
3. Birth Charts of Extreme Extraverts and Introverts |
3. Cosmic Cybernetics for Political and Military Logistics |
3. Electional Graph, Classical Astrology & Picatrix |
3. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 2 |
3. Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac |
3. Fixed Stars: How To Discover How They Work |
3. Forecast for October 10, 2020 |
3. Forecast for a Client, Part 3: August 2023 Update |
3. Free astrology software |
3. Import Data & Select Peak Dates in Sirius Software |
3. Key Features of Cosmic Cybernetics & Cosmobiology |
3. Meaning of Planets, Part 2: the Sun continued |
3. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 1 |
3. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 1 |
3. Spiritual Astrology, Part 1 |
3. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 1 (Original) |
3. The Bija Corrected Secondary Progressed Chart |
3. The Core Draconic Chart in Astrology |
3. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2 |
3. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 3 |
3. Trines, Sextiles and Noviles in AsroLocality |
3. USA 2016 Primary Election Update on March 16, 2016 |
3. What Are Jungian Arhetypes? |
4. 43 Vibration, Part 2 |
4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez |
4. Arabic Parts in Hellenistic & Harmonic Astrology |
4. Are Whole Signs Houses a House System? |
4. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 3 |
4. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 |
4. Athletic Ability, Part 4: Muhammed Ali |
4. Bob Dylan |
4. Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs: Why They Exist |
4. Data Visualization in Compatibility research |
4. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 3 |
4. Forecast for Week of October 11 - 17, 2020 |
4. Forecast for a Client, Part 4: August 2023 Update |
4. Fractal Nature of Secondary Prog. and Solar Arc Dir. |
4. Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans |
4. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
4. How to interpret the birth chart |
4. Meaning of Planets, Part 3: the Moon |
4. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 2 |
4. Natal Chart Interpretation with VA: An Introduction |
4. Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects & Current Trends |
4. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 2 |
4. Part 1 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
4. Predicting Accidents with Midpoints |
4. Predicting Gold Prices with Vibrational Astrology |
4. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 1 |
4. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 1 |
4. Spiritual Astrology, Part 2 |
4. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 2 (Original) |
4. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3 |
4. Vibrational Astrology & Physics of Nassim Haramein |
5. 43 Vibration, Part 3 |
5. Ascendant and Vertex Strength: Improved Formula |
5. Astrological Advice for USA 2020 Presidential Elections |
5. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 |
5. Athletic Ability, Part 5: Pele |
5. Buddy Holly |
5. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 1 |
5. David Bohm's Implicate Order, Divination and VA |
5. Different methods of interpretation |
5. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 |
5. Forecast for Week of October 18 - 24, 2020 |
5. Forecast for a Client, Part 5: August 2023 Update |
5. Fractal Progressed Houses & the Fractal Primary Chart |
5. Hellenistic Time Lords |
5. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
5. How House Cusps Are Calculated |
5. Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets |
5. Model building & testing instead of p values |
5. Music of the Spheres & Harmonics: An Ancient Tradition |
5. Nature of Vibrational Astrology (4-minute video) |
5. Part 1 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
5. Part 2 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
5. Predicting Accidents with Vibrational Astrology |
5. Predicting Future Trends for 2017 with VA |
5. Predicting House Prices: Short Summary (15 minutes) |
5. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 2 |
5. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 2 |
5. Spiritual Astrology, Part 3 |
5. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4 |
5. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 1 |
5. The Navamsa Chart: Its Magic, Beauty and Blessings |
6. 43 Vibration, Part 4 |
6. Aries, Part 1. Authenticity. |
6. Ascendant Disappears at the Arctic Circle: A Solution! |
6. Astronomy Quiz, Part 1 |
6. Athletic Ability, Part 6: Bruce Lee |
6. Can we Interpret Constellations? |
6. Carole King |
6. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 2 |
6. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 1 |
6. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 Addendum |
6. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 1. Genetics & Astrology |
6. Five Ways to Learn Vibrational Astrology |
6. Forecast for Week of October 25 - 31, 2020 |
6. How Placidus and True Placidus Cusps are Calculated |
6. Midpoint Lines in AstroMaps |
6. Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs and Padas |
6. Ottoman Empire Astrology: Findings of Oner Doser |
6. Part 1 of 3: Fire vs Water for Extraversion-Introversion |
6. Part 2 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
6. Predicting House Prices, Part 1 |
6. Predicting with Powerful 4-Planet Patterns |
6. Predicting with Transits |
6. Progressions & Transits, Part 1: Research Group of Charts |
6. Purpose of Predicting: Decision Making. 2016 Elections |
6. Spiritual Astrology, Part 4 |
6. String Theory, Prime Numbers and Astrology |
6. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5 |
6. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 2 |
6. The Moon |
6. Zodiac signs |
7. 47 Vibration, Part 1 of 2 |
7. Aries, Part 2. |
7. AstroSignature Forecast Graph |
7. Astrology of Mafia Leaders |
7. Astronomy Quiz, Part 2 |
7. Athletic Ability, Part 7: Steffi Graf |
7. Compatibility Using Harmonic Astrology |
7. David Bowie |
7. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 2 |
7. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 5 |
7. Extraverts vs Introverts |
7. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 2. Genetics & Astrology |
Title |
1. 20 Free Astrology Lessons |
1. 37 Vibration |
1. A New Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
1. A New View of Zodiac Signs |
1. Astrology Research: How to Do It |
1. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 1 of a 2-Part Series |
1. Astronomical Foundations of the Birth Chart |
1. Athletic Ability, Part 1: AstroSignature Explained |
1. Basis of Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry |
1. Basis of the Weekly Vibrational Astrology Forecast |
1. Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols |
1. Evolutionary Astrology and Science |
1. Exploratory Research: An Introduction |
1. Forecast for a Client, Part 1: August 2023 Update |
1. Forecasting with Primary Directions |
1. History of Astrology from Early Beginnings to Today |
1. How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices |
1. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 1 |
1. Introduction to Relocational astrology |
1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology |
1. Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams Synastry |
1. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 1 |
1. Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressions |
1. Planets: Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes |
1. Precession of the Equinoxes Clearly Illustrated |
1. Rock Musicians: New Insights in 2020 |
1. Strong Scientific Support for Astrology |
1. The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation |
1. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 1 |
1. Vibrational Astrology Compared to Other Systems |
1. What is Vibrational Astrology? |
1. Whole Sign, Quadrant & Equal: 3 Different Models |
2. 41 Vibration |
2. Astrological Indicators of Extraversion |
2. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 2 of a 2-Part Series |
2. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 1 |
2. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 |
2. Athletic Ability, Part 2: Wayne Gretzky |
2. Bija Corrected Secondary Progressions |
2. Birth Charts of Rock 'n Roll Musicians: Introduction |
2. Christian Theology and Quadrant Houses |
2. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 1 |
2. Exploratory Research vs. Hypothesis Tests |
2. Fact Check about the Moon's Mean Node |
2. Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles |
2. Fixed Stars |
2. Forecast for October 9, 2020 |
2. Forecast for a Client, Part 2: August 2023 Update |
2. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
2. How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac |
2. How to Calculate Primary Directions |
2. How to Pick a Place |
2. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 2 |
2. Intro to interpretation |
2. Introduction to Harmonic Astrology |
2. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 2 |
2. Meaning of Planets, Part 1: the Sun |
2. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius (Updated) |
2. The Astrology of Carl Jung |
2. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1 |
2. The Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
2. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 2 |
2. USA 2016 Presidential Primaries Prediction |
2. Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle |
3. 43 Vibration, Part 1 |
3. Are Whole Sign Houses the Oldest House System? |
3. Aretha Franklin |
3. Astrological Forecasting: Ancient and Modern |
3. Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings |
3. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 2 |
3. Astrology, Chaos Theory and Fractals |
3. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 |
3. Athletic Ability, Part 3: Michael Jordan |
3. Birth Charts of Extreme Extraverts and Introverts |
3. Cosmic Cybernetics for Political and Military Logistics |
3. Electional Graph, Classical Astrology & Picatrix |
3. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 2 |
3. Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac |
3. Fixed Stars: How To Discover How They Work |
3. Forecast for October 10, 2020 |
3. Forecast for a Client, Part 3: August 2023 Update |
3. Free astrology software |
3. Import Data & Select Peak Dates in Sirius Software |
3. Key Features of Cosmic Cybernetics & Cosmobiology |
3. Meaning of Planets, Part 2: the Sun continued |
3. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 1 |
3. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 1 |
3. Spiritual Astrology, Part 1 |
3. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 1 (Original) |
3. The Bija Corrected Secondary Progressed Chart |
3. The Core Draconic Chart in Astrology |
3. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2 |
3. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 3 |
3. Trines, Sextiles and Noviles in AsroLocality |
3. USA 2016 Primary Election Update on March 16, 2016 |
3. What Are Jungian Arhetypes? |
4. 43 Vibration, Part 2 |
4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez |
4. Arabic Parts in Hellenistic & Harmonic Astrology |
4. Are Whole Signs Houses a House System? |
4. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 3 |
4. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 |
4. Athletic Ability, Part 4: Muhammed Ali |
4. Bob Dylan |
4. Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs: Why They Exist |
4. Data Visualization in Compatibility research |
4. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 3 |
4. Forecast for Week of October 11 - 17, 2020 |
4. Forecast for a Client, Part 4: August 2023 Update |
4. Fractal Nature of Secondary Prog. and Solar Arc Dir. |
4. Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans |
4. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
4. How to interpret the birth chart |
4. Meaning of Planets, Part 3: the Moon |
4. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 2 |
4. Natal Chart Interpretation with VA: An Introduction |
4. Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects & Current Trends |
4. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 2 |
4. Part 1 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
4. Predicting Accidents with Midpoints |
4. Predicting Gold Prices with Vibrational Astrology |
4. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 1 |
4. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 1 |
4. Spiritual Astrology, Part 2 |
4. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 2 (Original) |
4. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3 |
4. Vibrational Astrology & Physics of Nassim Haramein |
5. 43 Vibration, Part 3 |
5. Ascendant and Vertex Strength: Improved Formula |
5. Astrological Advice for USA 2020 Presidential Elections |
5. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 |
5. Athletic Ability, Part 5: Pele |
5. Buddy Holly |
5. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 1 |
5. David Bohm's Implicate Order, Divination and VA |
5. Different methods of interpretation |
5. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 |
5. Forecast for Week of October 18 - 24, 2020 |
5. Forecast for a Client, Part 5: August 2023 Update |
5. Fractal Progressed Houses & the Fractal Primary Chart |
5. Hellenistic Time Lords |
5. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
5. How House Cusps Are Calculated |
5. Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets |
5. Model building & testing instead of p values |
5. Music of the Spheres & Harmonics: An Ancient Tradition |
5. Nature of Vibrational Astrology (4-minute video) |
5. Part 1 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
5. Part 2 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
5. Predicting Accidents with Vibrational Astrology |
5. Predicting Future Trends for 2017 with VA |
5. Predicting House Prices: Short Summary (15 minutes) |
5. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 2 |
5. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 2 |
5. Spiritual Astrology, Part 3 |
5. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4 |
5. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 1 |
5. The Navamsa Chart: Its Magic, Beauty and Blessings |
6. 43 Vibration, Part 4 |
6. Aries, Part 1. Authenticity. |
6. Ascendant Disappears at the Arctic Circle: A Solution! |
6. Astronomy Quiz, Part 1 |
6. Athletic Ability, Part 6: Bruce Lee |
6. Can we Interpret Constellations? |
6. Carole King |
6. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 2 |
6. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 1 |
6. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 Addendum |
6. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 1. Genetics & Astrology |
6. Five Ways to Learn Vibrational Astrology |
6. Forecast for Week of October 25 - 31, 2020 |
6. How Placidus and True Placidus Cusps are Calculated |
6. Midpoint Lines in AstroMaps |
6. Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs and Padas |
6. Ottoman Empire Astrology: Findings of Oner Doser |
6. Part 1 of 3: Fire vs Water for Extraversion-Introversion |
6. Part 2 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
6. Predicting House Prices, Part 1 |
6. Predicting with Powerful 4-Planet Patterns |
6. Predicting with Transits |
6. Progressions & Transits, Part 1: Research Group of Charts |
6. Purpose of Predicting: Decision Making. 2016 Elections |
6. Spiritual Astrology, Part 4 |
6. String Theory, Prime Numbers and Astrology |
6. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5 |
6. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 2 |
6. The Moon |
6. Zodiac signs |
7. 47 Vibration, Part 1 of 2 |
7. Aries, Part 2. |
7. AstroSignature Forecast Graph |
7. Astrology of Mafia Leaders |
7. Astronomy Quiz, Part 2 |
7. Athletic Ability, Part 7: Steffi Graf |
7. Compatibility Using Harmonic Astrology |
7. David Bowie |
7. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 2 |
7. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 5 |
7. Extraverts vs Introverts |
7. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 2. Genetics & Astrology |
Title |
1. 20 Free Astrology Lessons |
1. 37 Vibration |
1. A New Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
1. A New View of Zodiac Signs |
1. Astrology Research: How to Do It |
1. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 1 of a 2-Part Series |
1. Astronomical Foundations of the Birth Chart |
1. Athletic Ability, Part 1: AstroSignature Explained |
1. Basis of Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry |
1. Basis of the Weekly Vibrational Astrology Forecast |
1. Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols |
1. Evolutionary Astrology and Science |
1. Exploratory Research: An Introduction |
1. Forecast for a Client, Part 1: August 2023 Update |
1. Forecasting with Primary Directions |
1. History of Astrology from Early Beginnings to Today |
1. How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices |
1. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 1 |
1. Introduction to Relocational astrology |
1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology |
1. Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams Synastry |
1. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 1 |
1. Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressions |
1. Planets: Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes |
1. Precession of the Equinoxes Clearly Illustrated |
1. Rock Musicians: New Insights in 2020 |
1. Strong Scientific Support for Astrology |
1. The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation |
1. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 1 |
1. Vibrational Astrology Compared to Other Systems |
1. What is Vibrational Astrology? |
1. Whole Sign, Quadrant & Equal: 3 Different Models |
2. 41 Vibration |
2. Astrological Indicators of Extraversion |
2. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 2 of a 2-Part Series |
2. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 1 |
2. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 |
2. Athletic Ability, Part 2: Wayne Gretzky |
2. Bija Corrected Secondary Progressions |
2. Birth Charts of Rock 'n Roll Musicians: Introduction |
2. Christian Theology and Quadrant Houses |
2. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 1 |
2. Exploratory Research vs. Hypothesis Tests |
2. Fact Check about the Moon's Mean Node |
2. Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles |
2. Fixed Stars |
2. Forecast for October 9, 2020 |
2. Forecast for a Client, Part 2: August 2023 Update |
2. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
2. How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac |
2. How to Calculate Primary Directions |
2. How to Pick a Place |
2. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 2 |
2. Intro to interpretation |
2. Introduction to Harmonic Astrology |
2. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 2 |
2. Meaning of Planets, Part 1: the Sun |
2. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius (Updated) |
2. The Astrology of Carl Jung |
2. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1 |
2. The Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
2. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 2 |
2. USA 2016 Presidential Primaries Prediction |
2. Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle |
3. 43 Vibration, Part 1 |
3. Are Whole Sign Houses the Oldest House System? |
3. Aretha Franklin |
3. Astrological Forecasting: Ancient and Modern |
3. Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings |
3. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 2 |
3. Astrology, Chaos Theory and Fractals |
3. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 |
3. Athletic Ability, Part 3: Michael Jordan |
3. Birth Charts of Extreme Extraverts and Introverts |
3. Cosmic Cybernetics for Political and Military Logistics |
3. Electional Graph, Classical Astrology & Picatrix |
3. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 2 |
3. Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac |
3. Fixed Stars: How To Discover How They Work |
3. Forecast for October 10, 2020 |
3. Forecast for a Client, Part 3: August 2023 Update |
3. Free astrology software |
3. Import Data & Select Peak Dates in Sirius Software |
3. Key Features of Cosmic Cybernetics & Cosmobiology |
3. Meaning of Planets, Part 2: the Sun continued |
3. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 1 |
3. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 1 |
3. Spiritual Astrology, Part 1 |
3. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 1 (Original) |
3. The Bija Corrected Secondary Progressed Chart |
3. The Core Draconic Chart in Astrology |
3. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2 |
3. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 3 |
3. Trines, Sextiles and Noviles in AsroLocality |
3. USA 2016 Primary Election Update on March 16, 2016 |
3. What Are Jungian Arhetypes? |
4. 43 Vibration, Part 2 |
4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez |
4. Arabic Parts in Hellenistic & Harmonic Astrology |
4. Are Whole Signs Houses a House System? |
4. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 3 |
4. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 |
4. Athletic Ability, Part 4: Muhammed Ali |
4. Bob Dylan |
4. Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs: Why They Exist |
4. Data Visualization in Compatibility research |
4. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 3 |
4. Forecast for Week of October 11 - 17, 2020 |
4. Forecast for a Client, Part 4: August 2023 Update |
4. Fractal Nature of Secondary Prog. and Solar Arc Dir. |
4. Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans |
4. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
4. How to interpret the birth chart |
4. Meaning of Planets, Part 3: the Moon |
4. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 2 |
4. Natal Chart Interpretation with VA: An Introduction |
4. Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects & Current Trends |
4. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 2 |
4. Part 1 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
4. Predicting Accidents with Midpoints |
4. Predicting Gold Prices with Vibrational Astrology |
4. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 1 |
4. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 1 |
4. Spiritual Astrology, Part 2 |
4. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 2 (Original) |
4. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3 |
4. Vibrational Astrology & Physics of Nassim Haramein |
5. 43 Vibration, Part 3 |
5. Ascendant and Vertex Strength: Improved Formula |
5. Astrological Advice for USA 2020 Presidential Elections |
5. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 |
5. Athletic Ability, Part 5: Pele |
5. Buddy Holly |
5. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 1 |
5. David Bohm's Implicate Order, Divination and VA |
5. Different methods of interpretation |
5. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 |
5. Forecast for Week of October 18 - 24, 2020 |
5. Forecast for a Client, Part 5: August 2023 Update |
5. Fractal Progressed Houses & the Fractal Primary Chart |
5. Hellenistic Time Lords |
5. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
5. How House Cusps Are Calculated |
5. Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets |
5. Model building & testing instead of p values |
5. Music of the Spheres & Harmonics: An Ancient Tradition |
5. Nature of Vibrational Astrology (4-minute video) |
5. Part 1 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
5. Part 2 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
5. Predicting Accidents with Vibrational Astrology |
5. Predicting Future Trends for 2017 with VA |
5. Predicting House Prices: Short Summary (15 minutes) |
5. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 2 |
5. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 2 |
5. Spiritual Astrology, Part 3 |
5. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4 |
5. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 1 |
5. The Navamsa Chart: Its Magic, Beauty and Blessings |
6. 43 Vibration, Part 4 |
6. Aries, Part 1. Authenticity. |
6. Ascendant Disappears at the Arctic Circle: A Solution! |
6. Astronomy Quiz, Part 1 |
6. Athletic Ability, Part 6: Bruce Lee |
6. Can we Interpret Constellations? |
6. Carole King |
6. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 2 |
6. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 1 |
6. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 Addendum |
6. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 1. Genetics & Astrology |
6. Five Ways to Learn Vibrational Astrology |
6. Forecast for Week of October 25 - 31, 2020 |
6. How Placidus and True Placidus Cusps are Calculated |
6. Midpoint Lines in AstroMaps |
6. Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs and Padas |
6. Ottoman Empire Astrology: Findings of Oner Doser |
6. Part 1 of 3: Fire vs Water for Extraversion-Introversion |
6. Part 2 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
6. Predicting House Prices, Part 1 |
6. Predicting with Powerful 4-Planet Patterns |
6. Predicting with Transits |
6. Progressions & Transits, Part 1: Research Group of Charts |
6. Purpose of Predicting: Decision Making. 2016 Elections |
6. Spiritual Astrology, Part 4 |
6. String Theory, Prime Numbers and Astrology |
6. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5 |
6. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 2 |
6. The Moon |
6. Zodiac signs |
7. 47 Vibration, Part 1 of 2 |
7. Aries, Part 2. |
7. AstroSignature Forecast Graph |
7. Astrology of Mafia Leaders |
7. Astronomy Quiz, Part 2 |
7. Athletic Ability, Part 7: Steffi Graf |
7. Compatibility Using Harmonic Astrology |
7. David Bowie |
7. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 2 |
7. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 5 |
7. Extraverts vs Introverts |
7. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 2. Genetics & Astrology |
Title |
1. 20 Free Astrology Lessons |
1. 37 Vibration |
1. A New Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
1. A New View of Zodiac Signs |
1. Astrology Research: How to Do It |
1. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 1 of a 2-Part Series |
1. Astronomical Foundations of the Birth Chart |
1. Athletic Ability, Part 1: AstroSignature Explained |
1. Basis of Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry |
1. Basis of the Weekly Vibrational Astrology Forecast |
1. Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols |
1. Evolutionary Astrology and Science |
1. Exploratory Research: An Introduction |
1. Forecast for a Client, Part 1: August 2023 Update |
1. Forecasting with Primary Directions |
1. History of Astrology from Early Beginnings to Today |
1. How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices |
1. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 1 |
1. Introduction to Relocational astrology |
1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology |
1. Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams Synastry |
1. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 1 |
1. Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressions |
1. Planets: Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes |
1. Precession of the Equinoxes Clearly Illustrated |
1. Rock Musicians: New Insights in 2020 |
1. Strong Scientific Support for Astrology |
1. The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation |
1. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 1 |
1. Vibrational Astrology Compared to Other Systems |
1. What is Vibrational Astrology? |
1. Whole Sign, Quadrant & Equal: 3 Different Models |
2. 41 Vibration |
2. Astrological Indicators of Extraversion |
2. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 2 of a 2-Part Series |
2. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 1 |
2. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 |
2. Athletic Ability, Part 2: Wayne Gretzky |
2. Bija Corrected Secondary Progressions |
2. Birth Charts of Rock 'n Roll Musicians: Introduction |
2. Christian Theology and Quadrant Houses |
2. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 1 |
2. Exploratory Research vs. Hypothesis Tests |
2. Fact Check about the Moon's Mean Node |
2. Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles |
2. Fixed Stars |
2. Forecast for October 9, 2020 |
2. Forecast for a Client, Part 2: August 2023 Update |
2. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
2. How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac |
2. How to Calculate Primary Directions |
2. How to Pick a Place |
2. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 2 |
2. Intro to interpretation |
2. Introduction to Harmonic Astrology |
2. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 2 |
2. Meaning of Planets, Part 1: the Sun |
2. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius (Updated) |
2. The Astrology of Carl Jung |
2. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1 |
2. The Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
2. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 2 |
2. USA 2016 Presidential Primaries Prediction |
2. Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle |
3. 43 Vibration, Part 1 |
3. Are Whole Sign Houses the Oldest House System? |
3. Aretha Franklin |
3. Astrological Forecasting: Ancient and Modern |
3. Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings |
3. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 2 |
3. Astrology, Chaos Theory and Fractals |
3. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 |
3. Athletic Ability, Part 3: Michael Jordan |
3. Birth Charts of Extreme Extraverts and Introverts |
3. Cosmic Cybernetics for Political and Military Logistics |
3. Electional Graph, Classical Astrology & Picatrix |
3. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 2 |
3. Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac |
3. Fixed Stars: How To Discover How They Work |
3. Forecast for October 10, 2020 |
3. Forecast for a Client, Part 3: August 2023 Update |
3. Free astrology software |
3. Import Data & Select Peak Dates in Sirius Software |
3. Key Features of Cosmic Cybernetics & Cosmobiology |
3. Meaning of Planets, Part 2: the Sun continued |
3. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 1 |
3. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 1 |
3. Spiritual Astrology, Part 1 |
3. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 1 (Original) |
3. The Bija Corrected Secondary Progressed Chart |
3. The Core Draconic Chart in Astrology |
3. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2 |
3. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 3 |
3. Trines, Sextiles and Noviles in AsroLocality |
3. USA 2016 Primary Election Update on March 16, 2016 |
3. What Are Jungian Arhetypes? |
4. 43 Vibration, Part 2 |
4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez |
4. Arabic Parts in Hellenistic & Harmonic Astrology |
4. Are Whole Signs Houses a House System? |
4. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 3 |
4. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 |
4. Athletic Ability, Part 4: Muhammed Ali |
4. Bob Dylan |
4. Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs: Why They Exist |
4. Data Visualization in Compatibility research |
4. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 3 |
4. Forecast for Week of October 11 - 17, 2020 |
4. Forecast for a Client, Part 4: August 2023 Update |
4. Fractal Nature of Secondary Prog. and Solar Arc Dir. |
4. Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans |
4. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
4. How to interpret the birth chart |
4. Meaning of Planets, Part 3: the Moon |
4. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 2 |
4. Natal Chart Interpretation with VA: An Introduction |
4. Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects & Current Trends |
4. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 2 |
4. Part 1 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
4. Predicting Accidents with Midpoints |
4. Predicting Gold Prices with Vibrational Astrology |
4. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 1 |
4. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 1 |
4. Spiritual Astrology, Part 2 |
4. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 2 (Original) |
4. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3 |
4. Vibrational Astrology & Physics of Nassim Haramein |
5. 43 Vibration, Part 3 |
5. Ascendant and Vertex Strength: Improved Formula |
5. Astrological Advice for USA 2020 Presidential Elections |
5. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 |
5. Athletic Ability, Part 5: Pele |
5. Buddy Holly |
5. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 1 |
5. David Bohm's Implicate Order, Divination and VA |
5. Different methods of interpretation |
5. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 |
5. Forecast for Week of October 18 - 24, 2020 |
5. Forecast for a Client, Part 5: August 2023 Update |
5. Fractal Progressed Houses & the Fractal Primary Chart |
5. Hellenistic Time Lords |
5. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
5. How House Cusps Are Calculated |
5. Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets |
5. Model building & testing instead of p values |
5. Music of the Spheres & Harmonics: An Ancient Tradition |
5. Nature of Vibrational Astrology (4-minute video) |
5. Part 1 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
5. Part 2 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
5. Predicting Accidents with Vibrational Astrology |
5. Predicting Future Trends for 2017 with VA |
5. Predicting House Prices: Short Summary (15 minutes) |
5. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 2 |
5. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 2 |
5. Spiritual Astrology, Part 3 |
5. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4 |
5. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 1 |
5. The Navamsa Chart: Its Magic, Beauty and Blessings |
6. 43 Vibration, Part 4 |
6. Aries, Part 1. Authenticity. |
6. Ascendant Disappears at the Arctic Circle: A Solution! |
6. Astronomy Quiz, Part 1 |
6. Athletic Ability, Part 6: Bruce Lee |
6. Can we Interpret Constellations? |
6. Carole King |
6. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 2 |
6. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 1 |
6. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 Addendum |
6. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 1. Genetics & Astrology |
6. Five Ways to Learn Vibrational Astrology |
6. Forecast for Week of October 25 - 31, 2020 |
6. How Placidus and True Placidus Cusps are Calculated |
6. Midpoint Lines in AstroMaps |
6. Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs and Padas |
6. Ottoman Empire Astrology: Findings of Oner Doser |
6. Part 1 of 3: Fire vs Water for Extraversion-Introversion |
6. Part 2 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
6. Predicting House Prices, Part 1 |
6. Predicting with Powerful 4-Planet Patterns |
6. Predicting with Transits |
6. Progressions & Transits, Part 1: Research Group of Charts |
6. Purpose of Predicting: Decision Making. 2016 Elections |
6. Spiritual Astrology, Part 4 |
6. String Theory, Prime Numbers and Astrology |
6. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5 |
6. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 2 |
6. The Moon |
6. Zodiac signs |
7. 47 Vibration, Part 1 of 2 |
7. Aries, Part 2. |
7. AstroSignature Forecast Graph |
7. Astrology of Mafia Leaders |
7. Astronomy Quiz, Part 2 |
7. Athletic Ability, Part 7: Steffi Graf |
7. Compatibility Using Harmonic Astrology |
7. David Bowie |
7. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 2 |
7. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 5 |
7. Extraverts vs Introverts |
7. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 2. Genetics & Astrology |
Title |
1. 20 Free Astrology Lessons |
1. 37 Vibration |
1. A New Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
1. A New View of Zodiac Signs |
1. Astrology Research: How to Do It |
1. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 1 of a 2-Part Series |
1. Astronomical Foundations of the Birth Chart |
1. Athletic Ability, Part 1: AstroSignature Explained |
1. Basis of Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry |
1. Basis of the Weekly Vibrational Astrology Forecast |
1. Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols |
1. Evolutionary Astrology and Science |
1. Exploratory Research: An Introduction |
1. Forecast for a Client, Part 1: August 2023 Update |
1. Forecasting with Primary Directions |
1. History of Astrology from Early Beginnings to Today |
1. How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices |
1. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 1 |
1. Introduction to Relocational astrology |
1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology |
1. Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams Synastry |
1. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 1 |
1. Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressions |
1. Planets: Energetic Process Behind the Archetypes |
1. Precession of the Equinoxes Clearly Illustrated |
1. Rock Musicians: New Insights in 2020 |
1. Strong Scientific Support for Astrology |
1. The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation |
1. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 1 |
1. Vibrational Astrology Compared to Other Systems |
1. What is Vibrational Astrology? |
1. Whole Sign, Quadrant & Equal: 3 Different Models |
2. 41 Vibration |
2. Astrological Indicators of Extraversion |
2. Astrology and Spirituality, Part 2 of a 2-Part Series |
2. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 1 |
2. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 |
2. Athletic Ability, Part 2: Wayne Gretzky |
2. Bija Corrected Secondary Progressions |
2. Birth Charts of Rock 'n Roll Musicians: Introduction |
2. Christian Theology and Quadrant Houses |
2. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 1 |
2. Exploratory Research vs. Hypothesis Tests |
2. Fact Check about the Moon's Mean Node |
2. Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles |
2. Fixed Stars |
2. Forecast for October 9, 2020 |
2. Forecast for a Client, Part 2: August 2023 Update |
2. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
2. How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac |
2. How to Calculate Primary Directions |
2. How to Pick a Place |
2. How to Predict Mundane Events, Part 2 |
2. Intro to interpretation |
2. Introduction to Harmonic Astrology |
2. Keys to Marriage Compatibility, Part 2 |
2. Meaning of Planets, Part 1: the Sun |
2. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius (Updated) |
2. The Astrology of Carl Jung |
2. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1 |
2. The Theoretical Framework for Astrology |
2. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 2 |
2. USA 2016 Presidential Primaries Prediction |
2. Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle |
3. 43 Vibration, Part 1 |
3. Are Whole Sign Houses the Oldest House System? |
3. Aretha Franklin |
3. Astrological Forecasting: Ancient and Modern |
3. Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings |
3. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 2 |
3. Astrology, Chaos Theory and Fractals |
3. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 |
3. Athletic Ability, Part 3: Michael Jordan |
3. Birth Charts of Extreme Extraverts and Introverts |
3. Cosmic Cybernetics for Political and Military Logistics |
3. Electional Graph, Classical Astrology & Picatrix |
3. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 2 |
3. Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac |
3. Fixed Stars: How To Discover How They Work |
3. Forecast for October 10, 2020 |
3. Forecast for a Client, Part 3: August 2023 Update |
3. Free astrology software |
3. Import Data & Select Peak Dates in Sirius Software |
3. Key Features of Cosmic Cybernetics & Cosmobiology |
3. Meaning of Planets, Part 2: the Sun continued |
3. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 1 |
3. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 1 |
3. Spiritual Astrology, Part 1 |
3. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 1 (Original) |
3. The Bija Corrected Secondary Progressed Chart |
3. The Core Draconic Chart in Astrology |
3. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2 |
3. Transit-to-Natal Vibrational Aspect Patterns, Part 3 |
3. Trines, Sextiles and Noviles in AsroLocality |
3. USA 2016 Primary Election Update on March 16, 2016 |
3. What Are Jungian Arhetypes? |
4. 43 Vibration, Part 2 |
4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez |
4. Arabic Parts in Hellenistic & Harmonic Astrology |
4. Are Whole Signs Houses a House System? |
4. Astrology and the Thousand Petaled Lotus, Part 3 |
4. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 |
4. Athletic Ability, Part 4: Muhammed Ali |
4. Bob Dylan |
4. Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs: Why They Exist |
4. Data Visualization in Compatibility research |
4. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 3 |
4. Forecast for Week of October 11 - 17, 2020 |
4. Forecast for a Client, Part 4: August 2023 Update |
4. Fractal Nature of Secondary Prog. and Solar Arc Dir. |
4. Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans |
4. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
4. How to interpret the birth chart |
4. Meaning of Planets, Part 3: the Moon |
4. Moon's True Node Used in Ancient Times, Part 2 |
4. Natal Chart Interpretation with VA: An Introduction |
4. Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects & Current Trends |
4. On the Same Wavelength: Compatibility, Part 2 |
4. Part 1 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
4. Predicting Accidents with Midpoints |
4. Predicting Gold Prices with Vibrational Astrology |
4. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 1 |
4. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 1 |
4. Spiritual Astrology, Part 2 |
4. The Age of Pisces and Aquarius, Part 2 (Original) |
4. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3 |
4. Vibrational Astrology & Physics of Nassim Haramein |
5. 43 Vibration, Part 3 |
5. Ascendant and Vertex Strength: Improved Formula |
5. Astrological Advice for USA 2020 Presidential Elections |
5. Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 |
5. Athletic Ability, Part 5: Pele |
5. Buddy Holly |
5. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 1 |
5. David Bohm's Implicate Order, Divination and VA |
5. Different methods of interpretation |
5. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 |
5. Forecast for Week of October 18 - 24, 2020 |
5. Forecast for a Client, Part 5: August 2023 Update |
5. Fractal Progressed Houses & the Fractal Primary Chart |
5. Hellenistic Time Lords |
5. History of Zodiac Sign Interpretations |
5. How House Cusps Are Calculated |
5. Meaning of Sun, Moon and Planets |
5. Model building & testing instead of p values |
5. Music of the Spheres & Harmonics: An Ancient Tradition |
5. Nature of Vibrational Astrology (4-minute video) |
5. Part 1 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
5. Part 2 of 2: 4 Elements & Extraversion-Introversion |
5. Predicting Accidents with Vibrational Astrology |
5. Predicting Future Trends for 2017 with VA |
5. Predicting House Prices: Short Summary (15 minutes) |
5. Regulus enters Virgo in 2011, Part 2 |
5. Relocating Using Astrology & Other Tools, Part 2 |
5. Spiritual Astrology, Part 3 |
5. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4 |
5. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 1 |
5. The Navamsa Chart: Its Magic, Beauty and Blessings |
6. 43 Vibration, Part 4 |
6. Aries, Part 1. Authenticity. |
6. Ascendant Disappears at the Arctic Circle: A Solution! |
6. Astronomy Quiz, Part 1 |
6. Athletic Ability, Part 6: Bruce Lee |
6. Can we Interpret Constellations? |
6. Carole King |
6. Compatibility in a Vibrational Universe, Part 2 |
6. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 1 |
6. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 4 Addendum |
6. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 1. Genetics & Astrology |
6. Five Ways to Learn Vibrational Astrology |
6. Forecast for Week of October 25 - 31, 2020 |
6. How Placidus and True Placidus Cusps are Calculated |
6. Midpoint Lines in AstroMaps |
6. Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs and Padas |
6. Ottoman Empire Astrology: Findings of Oner Doser |
6. Part 1 of 3: Fire vs Water for Extraversion-Introversion |
6. Part 2 of 3: Rahu and Ketu: What they Mean |
6. Predicting House Prices, Part 1 |
6. Predicting with Powerful 4-Planet Patterns |
6. Predicting with Transits |
6. Progressions & Transits, Part 1: Research Group of Charts |
6. Purpose of Predicting: Decision Making. 2016 Elections |
6. Spiritual Astrology, Part 4 |
6. String Theory, Prime Numbers and Astrology |
6. The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5 |
6. The Four Elements: What They Are, Part 2 |
6. The Moon |
6. Zodiac signs |
7. 47 Vibration, Part 1 of 2 |
7. Aries, Part 2. |
7. AstroSignature Forecast Graph |
7. Astrology of Mafia Leaders |
7. Astronomy Quiz, Part 2 |
7. Athletic Ability, Part 7: Steffi Graf |
7. Compatibility Using Harmonic Astrology |
7. David Bowie |
7. Donald Trump Forecast 2021 - 2024, Part 2 |
7. Essentials Of Astrology Research, Part 5 |
7. Extraverts vs Introverts |
7. Extreme Case Sampling, Part 2. Genetics & Astrology |