Purchase the book

Direct from the publisher Cosmic Patterns Software.
(pre-printed book; NOT print-on-demand). $39.95 + shipping from USA
Print-On-Demand. These are high quality books similar to the pre-printed book. All of these book distributors have good reputations. Of course there are different opinions about all of them. These are only a few of the places that the books can be purchased from. Most book sellers can order the book for you.
NOTE: Prices & shipping charges may change. The information below was gathered in April, 2022.
Amazon. $39.95 + free shipping option in USA and possibly some other locations
TextBookX. $27.61 + shipping. Shipping only to some countries.
Book Depository. $30.26 to almost any country and no shipping charge!
This is an extraordinarily good deal and Book Depository has a good reputation.
If your order from Book Depository, please let us know if it works well for you.
Barnes and Noble. Order direct or have them ship it to a local store. $39.95
Amazon Canada. $50.58 in Canadian dollars is approximately equivalent
to US price of $39.95.
The above websites and bookstores are just a few places where the book can be purchased. Almost any bookstore can order this book. If you learn about other good places to purchase it, please let me know so I can post the information here. Any experience that you have with ordering the book can be helpful to others. You can email me at david@AstrologyDC.com. Thanks!